Creating, crafts, gardening, quilting and life on a little ranch.

Tag Archives: Mother’s day

Hola, hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day. Mine was spent with our kids and grandkids and turned out very lovely.  In the afternoon we just relaxed in our peaceful back yard.  We sat quietly for periods of time, just listening to the breeze, enjoying the coolness.  Every once in a while my daughter would say “Jake, stop that!” Jakey keeps us alert.



Yes, this is the new senorita.






I had mentioned to my daughter that I wanted to get a mannequin head a few months ago for my crafting.

So on Sunday as I started to open my Mother’s Day gift from her,she gently grabbed it back and said,”Wait Mom, you have to do this in order.” So the first box I opened was a hat, but she said I had to give it back to her. Now that confused me even more, I then opened the oddly shaped object wrapped in tissue and out she came.

She is a beauty even without hair

My daughter had included the hat  so that we could see what the senorita looked like with it on, because of her baldness.

Now I’m ready to design (make) hats, scarves, and necklaces for my new friend.♥♥♥

