Creating, crafts, gardening, quilting and life on a little ranch.

Category Archives: New Year


Yes, it’s almost January 2, and I’m late in wishing a Happy New Year to everyone, but I’ve been sick and haven’t felt like doing much of anything.

But life must continue and I do hope all of you had a great New Year with good health and family.

For 6 days now we have  been eating, tamales, turkey, cookies, candy, monkey bread and my sister-in-law just brought us bunuelos , so guess what? I am really craving vegetables and fresh fruit!  I will start eating some mañana !

Also, one of my resolutions is to straighten up my end table in our bedroom .  Tomorrow  sounds good. This is what it looks like right now.

DSCN2634  Yes I know, it looks very messy, but tomorrow a new look! ♥

Beginnings are always messy.”–John Galsworthy