Creating, crafts, gardening, quilting and life on a little ranch.

Tag Archives: owl

Soon the roses will all be gone, and the rose bushes will look so bare and ugly.  But look who is still showing off her beautiful color.


Sunday I did some gardening.  I was able to plant some bib lettuce and cauliflower, which my husband loves. I’m not too crazy about cauliflower or maybe cauliflower is not too crazy about me. And my snap peas are making progress.  This is so amazing to me because I have been a city girl all these years.  But living out here in the semi-country is such a pleasure, I just can’t get over it!

Here’s a peek at my garden.



And this is one of my favorite plants. It’s very unusual and the name is Serpents Blue Chalk Fingers, and it does look like it has many fingers.


The whole time I was in the garden, I felt like someone was keeping an eye on me. Yep, there he is on one of the tree branches.

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I think he’s lonely and needs a partner.  He’s very simple to make with felt squares.  The internet has many free owl patterns that can be downloaded and it’s unbelievable  how many different colors the felt squares come in.

 “In every gardener there is a child who believes in The Seed Fairy”

Robert Brault