
I’ve decided to make Friday my day to visit the past.

In 1977 the movie Star Wars came out and to this day is still very popular. My son had many of the Star War figures and I still have some  left over that the grandkids have played with so much  that their limbs  are  loose and ready to fall off.


How many of you remember these little people? Back in 1983  crazy people (like me) were standing in line to purchase the dolls? Yes, it was a wild time trying to get these little dolls. People fighting and arguing about their place in line. These dolls are still around today with much less hoopla.

And here’s the little pony ride that looks a little dangerous , but all my three kids used it and enjoyed it.  Now a days you would probably have to put a helmet on the babies. Back in the day it was a popular item.


And please don’t ask me why I still have these items, I just do.  Sometimes it hard for moms to let go!

“I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included.”—Bernard Manning